Locations and Education

Pali Road has been through many versions from footpath to dirt road, to paved road, to Highway.  Vintage image courtesy of Kailua Historical Society, Modern image and composite by Wendy Roberts
Pali Outlook 1800s to Modern Day. Vintage photo courtesy of Kailua Historical Society; Modern photo and composite by Wendy Roberts

How to Participate in Wahi Pana:

Step 1. Complete the site orientations for the listed sites. Read this brochure from DLNR. http://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/files/2014/10/Wahi-Pana-brochure.pdf If you use online educational materials, please send this reflection survey to us.

Step 2. Show up at your chosen site and begin your artwork. Don’t forget to check in by emailing a picture to aloha@wahi-pana.com

Step 3: Submit a photo of your entry piece along with a 50 word or less reflection of your experience. It can be a poem, lines from a song, or your own story. Pay your entry fees.

Step 4. Upon notification of your acceptance, pay your catalog fee and sign up for your sitting shift. Prepare your artwork for installation and shipping, if needed.

Step 5: Spread the word! Come to the opening and visit often with family and art lovers you know.

Immersive On-Site Opportunities:

There are a few opportunities for you to have an experience in person with a kumu or historian. We strongly suggest that you prioritize attending one at least of these powerful events. Hawaiian culture is transferred from kumu to student by listening to mo’olelo and first-hand observation of practices. Kumu Kila is generously offering to share the mo’olelo of Waianae. Video available after this event will not document the entire experience. Out of respect for cultural practices, we will not be documenting the beautiful rituals or the sacred site. Excerpts will be offered, but you will get a better chance to familiarize yourself with the land if you are able to attend one of these events in person.

EVENT IS PAST: Waikiki Walking Tours with Kumu Joe Recca

EVENT IS PAST, VIDEO : Kailua Kawainui Wetlands Walking Tour with Archaeologist and Historian Dr. Paul Brennan

EVENT IS PAST Wahi Pana with Kumu Glen Kila 

EVENT IS PAST: Wahi Pana Talk Story at Honolulu Museum of Art




Attend the Talk Story Panel at the Honolulu Museum of Art to orient yourself for
orient yourself for three Oahu locations: Waikiki, Kailua, and West Coast (Waianae/Makaha). Wahi Pana Talk Story at Honolulu Museum of Art

PAST: Waikiki Walking Tour with Kumu Joe Recca of Hawaiian Hospitality Association

The first part of the walking tour event has already happened, and part two has been postponed and will happen after the art creation events. Thus, it cannot count as an orientation. but you are welcome to attend either of these recurring tours after Wahi Pana. In the meantime for orientation, we have alternatives:


If you can’t attend this tour, you can watch these videos of Kumu “Uncle” Joe Recca and fill out the reflection survey, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92NGUPcitxA

Thomas Square


Attend the Talk Story Panel at the Honolulu Museum of Art to orient yourself for three Oahu locations: Waikiki, Kailua, and West Coast (Waianae/Makaha). Wahi Pana Talk Story at Honolulu Museum of Art


View the videos and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey :
Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea (Sovereignty Restoration Day): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsBb8IJMKyU

Aloha Authentic Union Jack Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3xFV9nzIWU&list=PLGwJCY4AiRs0AXtIdTeo0PdIOL5JHDUen



Attend the Talk Story Panel at the Honolulu Museum of Art to orient yourself for three Oahu locations: Waikiki, Kailua, and West Coast (Waianae/Makaha). Wahi Pana Talk Story at Honolulu Museum of Art


Watch the video: Kawai nui Marsh and NĀ PŌHAKU 0 HAUWAHINE
Or watch clips below from the in-person tour to orient yourself to the beautiful Kawainui Wetlands. Fill out the reflection survey

Video excerpts from “Kawainui Wetlands Historical Tour with Paul Brennan” in-person event. Watch the clips that apply to the area where you would like to work, then fill out the reflection survey :

Kawainui Marsh – The Flow of Water: https://youtu.be/jxfCwL60mi8

Kawainui Marsh – Wahi Pana and the Role of Artists: https://youtu.be/fMaQ3cHFrsM

Na Pohaku o Hauwahine and the Rice Mills:  https://youtu.be/I8JbTSle8cU

Kawainui Agriculture: https://youtu.be/QerpTvKh9U4

Ulupo Heiau Area: https://youtu.be/dYvB9tHnvvs

Or read the document below and fill out the reflection survey


After the deadline: FYI, There are several very interesting videos here: http://www.hhf.com/kawainui/videos.html for anyone wanting to hear more about Kawainui. Thank you to Kelley Fitzgerald for suggesting these as worthwhile viewing.

Kea’iwa Heiau (Aiea Loop Trail Area)


Read these 2 documents and watch the video, then fill out the reflection survey
Aloha Authentic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEptrl7rkZc
About the park http://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/parks/oahu/keaiwa-heiau-state-recreation-area/
About the Heiau https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/files/2014/09/Keaiwa-_Heiau_SRA.pdf

West Coast Oahu

Attend the Talk Story Panel at the Honolulu Museum of Art to orient yourself for three Oahu locations: Waikiki, Kailua, and West Coast (Waianae/Makaha). Wahi Pana Talk Story at Honolulu Museum of Art

(Nanakuli to Kaena): Kü‘ïlioloa Heiau, Pöka‘ï Bay Beach Park 


EVENT IS PAST Wahi Pana with Kumu Glen Kila Onsite Orientation
Video excerpts from “Wahi Pana With Kumu Glen Kila” will not available. We apologize but if you want to know what we learned we can share with you at the Wahi Pana Talk Story Panel. Please RSVP here: Wahi Pana Talk Story Event


Watch the video and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey :
Moku o Waianae https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_XHWsUY198&t=101s




Watch the videos and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey: Mokuula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxjNtcBA1G8

ʻIao Valley


Watch the video and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey : ʻIao’s significance https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=232&v=M4Yk-GFSJv0


Educational opportunities TBD

Hawaii  Island



 Kohala Historical Sites Monument, Mo’okini Heiau,  and Pu’ukohola Heiau

Watch the videos and post a comment on the second video or fill out the reflection survey : :


Walking tour (pause video to read the signs ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuiYjmX2HSc



Watch the videos and fill out the reflection survey :
Wahi Pana of Hilo https://www.pidf.org/about/wahi-pana/videos/04-hilo

Aloha Authentic Wailuku River Series:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGn2I5JsUbM&list=PLGwJCY4AiRs0WU9JmVqGe3bK8SVrAIXdl



Watch the videos and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey :
Waipio Valley, Valley of Kings:

Mo’olelo Performance: https://kbeamer.com/waipio-pakaalana-performance-video/

Hale O Keawe, Pu‘uhonua O Hönaunau National Historical Park


Watch the videos and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey :

Hale O Keawe, Pu‘uhonua O Hönaunau National Historical Park Hula kumu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvzrU8lMADY

Honaunau: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekshbBU6qn4




Watch the videos and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey :

Complex of Heiau, Wailua River State Park (Hikinaakalä, Kalaeokamanu, & Poliahu Heiau)

Wailua overview: https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/asian_american_and_pacific_islander_heritage/wailua-complex-of-heiaus.htm

DLNR Brochure for Hikinaakala: http://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/files/2014/09/Hikinaakala_brochure.pdf

DLNR Brochure for Poli’ahu:

Ka Ulu A Paoa Heiau, Ha‘ena State Park


Read the article on Ke’e Beach heiau complex then fill out the reflection survey : :http://www.kaimi.org/education/the-heiau/



Watch the videos and fill out the reflection survey : https://www.pidf.org/about/wahi-pana/videos/07-hanapepe


We are seeking artists who would like to help represent Lanai’s wahi pana. Please contact aloha@wahi-pana.com as early as possible if you are an artist who wants to paint on Lanai.


Keawanui Fish Pond


Event TBD


Watch the videos and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey :

Keawanui Fishpond Restoration:  https://vimeo.com/134690087

Fishponds in General: Watch the first 8 minutes of this video:



Presentation of ancient history from David Kalakaua’s “Legends and Myths of Hawaii” is pending – please check back in a couple of days.

Watch the videos and post a comment or fill out the reflection survey :

A Brief History: https://www.nps.gov/kala/learn/historyculture/a-brief-history-of-kalaupapa.htm

A Story to Tell by National Park Service: watch first 3 minuteshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMDrp_ZAzpE